
Rotiku mari telu

Iming-iming aku duwe roti

Roti mari rasane kok legi

Sopo biso nangis karo ngguyu

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Roti mari telu
Roti mari telu

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7 Responses to "Rotiku mari telu"

  1. Can't believe that you put this song here!!! Remind my childhood years gone by. As you see, javanese language could be as an analogy for English lesson. I do it by myself. In javanese language has phonetic, nearly same sound but absolutely has different meaning. Just sample : melu melok, melik, milik, malik, muluk and so on. While English such as : treat, treatment, thread, throat, through and others. We use this technique for enhancing our vocabulary indeed.

    Any comments? We're right here waiting.

  2. Maturunuwun sampun komen maleh ten mriki..pangapuntene dereng saget mbales komen yang lalu soalnya saya lagi sakit selama seminggu ini kang....

  3. Hope you gotta well soon. Actually, we wait and wait, just thinking that you're try to find out reference I've mentioned before. Tiba'e njenengan lagi ngidam kasur, tho.

    Ups, thus you could write your condition while get sick, then. It's such as a medicine, moreover you're really "cikgu". You could practice quantum writing relate your illness. Besides that, you could expose and explore the sense inside, by using conditional reference. Or, you just eating roti mari (?). Hi, pals!!! As you see, make a soup with taste of corns, eggs or asparagus truly nice. Hi3x....ngiming-imingi wae.

  4. saya pikir apa, ternyata sebuah lagu ya .. unik juga

  5. menarik nihh gan,kunjungan balik ke blog ane yh
    follow aja nnti saya followbalik blog agan

  6. Fikri@ Thanks mas...insya Allah saya berkunjung balik mas...:)


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