
Lagu Pelangi-pelangi dalam Bahasa Inggris

Versi Bahasa Inggris:

Oh rainbow oh rainbow

How beautiful you are

Baca Juga

You’re red yellow and green

You’re hangin’ on the sky

The great who created you

Who really painted you

Oh rainbow oh rainbow

Created by The God.

Download Contoh lagu Pelangi dalam Bahasa Inggris file mp3
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Versi Bahasa Indonesia

Pelangi pelangi

Alangkah indahnya

Merah kuning hijau

Di langit yang biru

Pelukismu agung

Siapa gerangan?

Pelangi pelangi

Ciptaan Tuhan

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13 Responses to "Lagu Pelangi-pelangi dalam Bahasa Inggris"

  1. wahhhh bisa untuk referensi anak saya nih....bapaknya ngk bisa blas ni pak gru...hehe

  2. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya kang Farhan..salam

  3. jhee,,
    mantepp nh.. lumayan saya bisa mengingat masa lampau kembali sewaktu baru belajar bhasa inggris.. :)

  4. happy day, happy valentine
    search youtube -> Jim Brickman
    I recommend this blog to my work partner as they have kidz......

  5. Mas Ramlie@ Makasih mas sudah mau mampi ke gubug saya....semoga bermanfaat...

  6. Kang Mochatar@ maturnuwun ingkang kathah kang... I hope there'll be many visitor coming here...nyuwun tulung njeh ngagem kethok tular supados blog niki popular hehhehehe :)

  7. Ha3x... javanese term but failed(!) "kagem gethok tular", it's mean wide spread or influence. ha3x...ha3x......

    I do recommend this blog as we have private students thus we could make copy paste with my own technique. Don't you realize that I have no background in English therefore I should have made own progress by surfing then digesting the content of each blog visited.

    I do prefer to speak than to write as this capability very useful for me. You've gotta shock at the first time, while make a comment due my response. ha3x

    ups....due kidz song, have you heard the song -> que sera sera, it seem nice to be discussed here

    nyuwun sewu nggih, basa jawi njenengan radi klintu.....hua....3x...ha3x....cepengan kula nggih kathah lho, ajeng maca wisanggeni rumiyin.....salam buat kaluarga ikam sabarataan

  8. lumayan nih,,,,, lagu untuk nyanyi di sekolah :D

  9. Terima kasih atas kunjungannya semoga bermanfaat untuk semua

  10. oke juga lagu nya , bisa ngajar adek-adek


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