11:45 PM
Pondok Modern Selamat Kendal atau lebih dikenal PMS Kendal kini mengembangkan sayapnya
ke daerah Kabupaten Batang. PMS
Kendal saat ini sedang membangun PMS 2 tepatnya di Desa Clapar
Kecamatan Subah Kabupaten Batang. Lokasinya berada di depan Pabrik Sarung.
bulan yang lalu saya sempat melamar kerja sebagai seorang guru Bahasa Inggris
di PMS Kendal tepatnya di PMS 1, namun saat itu rezeki dan jalan
Allah belum memihak pada saya untuk diterima di sana. Saat itu sebenarnya saya
sangat berharap sekali dapat diterima mengajar di sana dan saya benar-benar
tertantang untuk mengembangkan kemampuan saya di sana, namun apa dikata Allah
tidak mengizinkan saya dan saya harus menerima kehendak Allah. Saya benar-benar
tidak diterima di sana. Entah karena apa saya tidak bisa bergabung dan masuk ke
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PMS 2 berlokasi di Desa Clapar Kecamatan Subah Kabupaten Batang |
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PMS 2 di sebelah barat Desa Clapar sedang dalam pembangunan |
Baca Juga
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Papan Nama PMS 2 di Desa Clapar Kecamatan Subah-Batang |
ini saya mengajar di MTs Darul Hikmah
dan SMK Bintara Batang. Di sinilah
kesibukan saya sekarang ini mengajar di dua sekolah berbeda. Ketika saya
berangkat mengajar ke MTs yang berada di Desa Sengon saya selalu melewati PMS 2
di dekat jalan raya yang biasa saya lewati. Setiap kali melewati di PMS 2 ini di Desa Clapar bayangan saya
tertuju pada pengalaman saya saat melamar dan mendaftar di PMS 2 yang berada di Kendal. Saya juga kadang berhayal dan
berandai, andai saja saya diterima di PMS
mungkin saya akan mengajar dan ditempatkan di PMS 2 di Desa Clapar yang lokasinya dekat dengan rumah saya di Desa
Siberuk. Namun itu semua hanya angan-angan belaka dan tidak mungkin terjadi. Pada
kenyataanya saya tidak diterima di sana dan saya tidak dapat mengajar dan
bergabung di PMS 2.
Kendal oh PMS Kendal
kenapa engkau tidak menerima saya, mengapa saya tidak diijinkan bergabung
denganmu, andai kau tahu betapa saya menginginkanmu menjadi tempat yang
menantang bagi saya. Saya ingin berkreasi, saya ingin berkarya, dan saya ingin
berkomitmen padamu akan tetapi tidak ada jalan bagi saya karena pintu sudah
tertutup buat saya. Saya percaya pada Allah bahwa Dial ah yang lebih tahu dan
Maha tahu mana yang terbaik buat saya buat hambanya semoga saya dapat menerima
keadaan saya mengajar ditempat yang sekarang ini di MTs dan SMK.
Ups, sorry pals, should I cry or laugh due above article. As you see, after leaving your's ex job - you gotta two opportunity to show up and prove your capability besides updating content of blog. Even though I don't real fact there but I do believe that your proud arise, then.
ReplyDeletePlease count something that you have got, now. It must be much more than previous time. Wish you keep on the target you have made by yourselves.
According to above case, hmm....seem to be romanticism, but it's not necessarily.Why? After reading it out, I have found a bad impression inside. May be, I have different point of view in it, that's another case.
It would be better while you write a positive ones. Don't you realize that you already share about conditional sentences. Why don't you apply in it than a sample in lesson, only.It would be more beneficial for you and really really enjoyable for me as blog walker.In this matter we could read your experience without bad feeling but imaginative ones.
I thought it's better more positive than pessimist.Do you agree with me or not(?). Thus,while passing away the street from Sengon village to Clapar village, un-beliveable I could see many hands give sign to me. "Let's join with us now".Ups...I open up my eyes but none there except me and my motor cycle. I just think of it, what it's mean.
I thought my style consist better than you (ha3x) but one thing I do not put negative image. Wish you have space to receive it and adopt, then. (hi3x) Coz, I love to read Danarto, Gunawan Muhammad, Albert Camus, Guy Maupassant, thus get influenced smoothly.
Finally thanks, after reading above article, I could make response and practice my capability in writing, even bad grammar inside. He3x.
Wow.. I said wow you gave such a long.long long comment.. You have given me such a positive advice, Frankly speaking, I'm shy to be weakness, to show my feelings, a sad story, I am like a person that needs to be care of. You're right, I must share my experience in positive thing although the fact is a sad,romanticism or watever as you said, heheh...I don't realize that I can use, I can practise conditional sentence in my experience..that would be a good idea, I think,,
ReplyDeleteYou've tried your best, pals. You also have a right to share anything about you here. Just write and share. Nobody's perfect.
ReplyDeleteThanks for encouraging and coming here...nice to be visited by you friend...success for your blog
ReplyDeleteGotta love get another response in English. Really love this blog could be as media for sharing. The reason in making comments as above, coz I don't want to make a specific sign to the author. As we fond of reading, ups... we could clarify and specify the art of writing of authors. I'm not sure is good or bad, but it could be as reference in buying another collection. That's why, while founding a negative impact in your article, hmm.. I wanna share that's another point of view in telling it. Though the sense still same but the art of language little bit difference, and you gotta a value add.
ReplyDeleteDue conditional, we use English as one of tool communication, not only for English Lesson. Besides that we're working with expats thus we try to adopt something inside, and un-spoken too. We learn from them though they never teach me. I think I have different perspective and perception due English language with you as you're really teacher. Nothing wrong with it but it could be a complement each other.
My latest suggestion, make a dream or wish that you'll be there. Time will tell. Ha3x coz I had same experience due above article, but now I've joined with it.
Right here waiting another article.
I do thanks for always commenting my article..What I have written is what is going on in my mind then I write it by means of articles and writing.. I do learn many thins from you, too. as long as I write so far, the only you who comments such a long and deep article..hereby I learn English with you through the articles I've made..I hope I can present a good and interesting articles, You've given me such a good critic that can support me to write in different way, I mean an interesting one,and readable for the readers especially in learning and improving our last I hope you can have such a blog that can develop and place your ideas, your creativity in a certain media like a blog...
ReplyDeleteI do appreciate with all articles you've made and I do respect that you give a space for inputs even contrary. I did it too with authors of books and novels as love with their opinion and inspired me. Truly. I've made a claim due bad editing by publisher and mistakes in printed coz I love to do it. Besides, I could steal his idea or just adopt and imitate as my own. ha3x
ReplyDelete...nek inyong kon gawe blog.....weleh2x.....kada kawa, uma ai
wah wah kalau coment pakai english susah lah kang kok bisa banyak pengunjungnya rahasianya apa kang
ReplyDeleteHehe...silahkan komen pake Indonesia gk apa. Saya sering posting dan kata kunci atau keyword saya bidik mas berada di H1 dan H2 kemudian sya kacih anchor text yang mengarah ke blog saya far itulah trik saya...makasih ya sudah visit here...:)
ReplyDeleteFor kang Mochtar, you're very creative in stealing other idea... hahah, I think panjenengan saget damel blog kang... hehehh ampun sungkan2 njeh heheh
ReplyDeleteHa3x...I've read a book that a beneficial of reader is adopting the idea/opinion of writer and make it our own. I ever say it directly with Hernowo, Mizan. His books really inspired for me though we implement it on my working task. You've gotta success in quantum writing.
ReplyDeleteFor Rohmadaini, no matter your language used, better write it as it's another technique for enhancing our capability in writing. Ups....seem all comments have no correlation with above article anymore. Wish someone out there read these and que sera sera, what will be will be.
Sounds great,,maybe I can try to read the book you mentioned