Belajar membaca kalimat Bahasa Inggris via Google
7:30 PM
anda bahwa google dapat dijadikan referensi yang bagus buat belajar membaca
setiap kata, kalimat bahkan paragraph dalam Bahasa Inggris? Google dengan
fasilitas Google translate dapat kita manfaatkan selain untuk menerjemahkan
juga dapat kita jadikan sebagai native speaker pengganti. Setiap kata, kalimat
dan paragraf dapat mengeluarkan bunyi atau suara mengenai bagaimana membacanya,
cara melafalkannya langsung dari native speaker Google.
anda ketikkan kata atau kalimat atau parargraf atau anda juga dapat mengkopi
tulisan atau bacaan dalam Bahasa Inggris yang banyak dapat kita perdengarkan
secara audio dengan bantuan Google. Pertama tama silahkan anda buka mesin
pencari(search engine) Google. Di sebelah atas ada tulisan lainnya di sebelah kanan Kalender
dapat anda klik dan di dalamnya ada pilihan Terjemahan. Selanjutnya anda klik Terjemahan
tersebut maka anda akan di hadapkan pada kotak penerjemahan. Silahkan anda
pilih Bahasa Inggris.
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Belajar Membaca Bahasa Inggris melalui Google translate |
berikutnya adalah anda dapat mengetikkan kata-kata, kalimat, paragraph atau apa
saja dalam Bahasa Inggris tanpa dibatasi jumlahnya. Kemudian anda pilih icon
speaker yang apabila disorot akan ada tulisan simak. Sekarang anda
dapat mendengarkan atau menyimak kalimat-kalimat Bahasa Inggris yang panjang
sekalipun. Kalimat-kalimat tersebut dibacakan secara langsung oleh native
speaker dari Google. Dijamin prononsiasi dan pelafalannya benar. Anda dapat
menggunakan fasilitas dari Google ini sebagai media belajar membaca dalam
Bahasa Inggris. Selain itu anda juga bisa belajar mendengarkan dari native
speaker langsung dari Google. Menarik bukan? Silahkan anda mencobanya sendiri,
semoga artikel yang singkat ini bermanfaat bagi anda pembaca di Inggris, Amin.
I did it!!! I did it!!! I did it!!!
ReplyDeleteActually, so simple technique. But without your guidance I've never known this trick and tips.
But I have own tips, then. Open up google, type google translate, type the sentence we wanna do, click speaker icon. Listen and read it loudly, as if we're native speaker. No matter our dialect used too.
The reason we do not type bahasa first, we try to do it as native could be. As we had conversation with my friend, they would arrange sentence in bahasa then trying to translate it. And, as you see, I could figure out by looking at their eyes. It takes time. Thus we suggest to speak directly. If finding any mistakes we're just laugh at all, it doesn't mean to humiliate but coz we love it as we've faced before.
But for elementary school, it could be a games, such as speaking machines, they could find anything words due their world. So lovely and challenges for them.
I do respect with your article thus I have to make comment in this language.
Okay friend I'm glad to hear're wlcome. ..Thanks for your own tip too, I can do it, I try to speak up by clicking the speaker icon.., this article is specially posted not for children but for adult, for the teachers(non English teacher who teach English at Elementary school so they can pronounce correctly....thanks for often coming and giving your comments in almost my post....success for you Mr. Mochtar,, I do like the way you respond my articles....
ReplyDeletemakin inovatif, lanjutkan..
ReplyDeleteSiiiip bos munip,,,, Thanks for always supporting my site.
ReplyDeleteUps....never say "Mr." to me. As you see, we never do it though we worked with expatriates. If formal occasion, it's gonna be okay, but not for informal or daily activity. The reason, they don't like very much and its more familiar with their name directly. Just in case, we worked with Canadian, Finland, Philipines, French, India, British - we use word "Pak" than Mr. for calling them. And, OK.
ReplyDeleteThus, we called : pak Barry Manson, cak Connor - seem East Java term used, pak Thierry. I thought it's my technique to myself in familiarization English and Bahasa vice versa - in order we use it as only tool of communication. That's all. And it work, for me.
Ingkang pungkasan. Matur nuwun saestu lho, wong inyong ora duwe batir blajar je, ya mik blog-blog sing di-google-in wae.
njeh maturnuwun
ReplyDeletePangapunten ingkang kathah...heheh
ReplyDeleteOra apa-apa, ki angsule. Wangsule ati-ati bae.
ReplyDelete(hua ha ha ha3x)
Kang Mochtar....
ReplyDeleteNice info
ReplyDeletekeep it up
Thanks for coming here...Ok...