
Cicak di dinding versi Mr. Dan

Cicak di dinding (Gecko on the wall) adalah lagu terbaru dari Mr. Dan. Penulis secara tidak sengaja menemukan kreasi lagu anak-anak Indonesia yang dinyanyikan dalam Bahasa Inggris. Lagu ini terdengar lebih natural ditambah dengan style atau gaya Mr. Dan yang menarik. Berikut ini adalah Lirik lagunya penulis ambil dari Situs How are you Mr.Dan. Recommnded by the writer to visit because there are unique and creative songs sung by Mr. Dan.

Gecko gecko on the wall
Cicak can be translated into lizard or gecko

Gecko gecko on the wall

Quietly quietly crawls along

Now here comes a mosquito


I've been caught. Oh no!

Gecko gecko on the floor

Quietly crawls right out the door

Now here comes a mosquito


I've been caught. Oh no!

Gecko gecko in a car

Going somewhere very far

Now here comes a mosquito


I've been caught. Oh no!

Gecko gecko in a chair

On the beach and going nowhere

Now here comes a big black crow


I've been caught. Oh no!

Watch out the video!

Thanks  Mr. Dan for giving us creative songs. We hope Indonesian people learn English with fun.

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